The Slave and a Lion.
Once upon a time, a master tortured his servant much. The servant could not bear his life for long. One day, he ran to the jungle. He hid himself in it. He heard a painful roar of a lion near him. He was afraid. Then, he saw blood on the paw of the lion. A thorn had run into it. The Servent took the thorn out. The lion was happy and ran away. One day, his master's workers arrested him. The master ordered to throw him before a hungry lion. Many people were there to see it. The servant was thrown before a hungry lion. But instead of eating him, the lion began to lick his feet. It was the same lion whom the slaved had helped in the jungle. His master was much impressed by it and he freed the servant.
Moral: Do good, have good.
Written By: Mr.PERFECT
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